יום ראשון, 26 בדצמבר 2010

Tonight's the night

Tonight's the night. And it's going to happen again and again. It has to happen.
This girl, Donna Milton, six months ago I think she saw Project Runway or something else, something that makes people think the can do Fashion, people like Buskila.
Leaving hopeless pedestrians like me to suffer the consequence. 
Interesting taste in clothing. I can easily recognize Fashion victims from people having a bad day - Fashion victims evolve. 
Now it's just a a matter of time before she becomes a piece of fabric in my album. But I have to wait. I have to be careful.
Follow the code of Harriet.
"Be prepared" – that's my motto. The Boy Scouts and I have that in common.Thank god  there's no merit badge for tonight's outing though, those things are so ugly!

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