יום שני, 17 בינואר 2011

The princesses last breath

New Kill

After a relatively long period of silence, I came upon a very "interesting" blog about a girl from Israel: http://superprincess.blogspot.com.
There is something very disturbing about this one, and that is me saying so.
She thinks that wearing costumes - princess costumes! - In a every day basis is not only acceptable, but fashionable.
Something is very wrong with this person. She has to be stopped - someone has to put an end to this.

I cannot stand by this - even if it's occurring at the other end of the planet. The idea of letting her run around free for "logistic" reasons is eating me alive.
I have to catch the next plane to Israel.

יום ראשון, 26 בדצמבר 2010

Fashion Code

Milton has been coming here for weeks, likes to shop at low life stores.
When I asked her to tell me about her fashion code, she didn't seem to understand what the problem was. She wasn't sorry. Now Im not sorry either.
The Fashion code of Harriet, my mother, was satisfied, and so am I.
I don't blame my foster mother for what I am, She taught me right. Taught me the code.
Noa was a super-model here in Miami, taught me how to think like one and hide from thge press - cover my tracks.
Im a coutoure monster.


Miami is a great town. I love the fast food, Salads are my favourite. But tonigh't im craving for something different.
Preparation is vital. No detail can be overlooked. 
And the ritual is Intoxicating:
Duct tape
Rubber sheet
Pink Gloves
Necessary tools of the trade

Tonight's the night

Tonight's the night. And it's going to happen again and again. It has to happen.
This girl, Donna Milton, six months ago I think she saw Project Runway or something else, something that makes people think the can do Fashion, people like Buskila.
Leaving hopeless pedestrians like me to suffer the consequence. 
Interesting taste in clothing. I can easily recognize Fashion victims from people having a bad day - Fashion victims evolve. 
Now it's just a a matter of time before she becomes a piece of fabric in my album. But I have to wait. I have to be careful.
Follow the code of Harriet.
"Be prepared" – that's my motto. The Boy Scouts and I have that in common.Thank god  there's no merit badge for tonight's outing though, those things are so ugly!